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nopCommerce Learning Center

Are you ready to revolutionize your online store with the power of nopCommerce? Look no further than our comprehensive learning center, designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to thrive in the eCommerce landscape. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned online merchant, we have the resources to propel you forward.

CMS Training

Interested in nopCommerce Training?

E-commerce is taking the world by storm, and with so many Content Management Systems (CMS) to choose from, nopCommerce continues to stand out in the market. While learning to navigate a new platform can be challenging, it doesn’t have to be. With Foremost Media’s nopCommerce training sessions, you’ll learn from industry experts on how to maintain a vibrant online presence for your store.

Tina Lenz-Mandt, our Customer Support Manager, leads an experienced team in providing comprehensive nopCommerce tutorials and solutions. By evaluating your business’ specific objectives, we’ll be able to craft a custom training course that’ll directly serve the needs of your website. We can offer you learning courses through an online shared screen or an in-person class setting depending on your preference. We’re here as a resource!

If you’re seeking a more advanced training session, we’d be happy to host one. We regularly work with nopCommerce and can guide you with our knowledge firsthand. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions – that’s what we’re here for!

More Information

nopCommerce Plugin Quick Guides

If you have a specific question or need to learn a nopCommerce feature, check out our selection of guides below to find out more. We’ve created helpful tutorials that’ll walk you through the process of crafting news articles and blog posts, using roles, and adding related and cross sell products.

If our guides don’t answer your questions, please reach out to us for assistance!

Frequently Asked Questions

I'd like to add a new informational page to my NOP store. How do I do that?

You can create the new 'page' as a topic. Your theme will need to be modified to include it in the menu. Please submit a ticket including the new topic name, the location you want it added in the menu and the new menu item's name.

Do I need to perform any maintenance on my NOP store?

We do recommended performing maintenance on a monthly or bi-monthly basis depending on how much traffic you have. In the Admin menu under System, select Maintenance. From there, we recommend deleting guest customers using the date select to keep the past week or 30 days worth (dependent on how much time you want to allow Guests to be able to go back to their cart and place an order). Delete abandoned carts using the same methodology. This process helps keep the database size in check by not storing more info than what is needed. Over time large database size can make calls to the database take longer and slow down some processes on your site.

How do I change the payment gateway on my store?

The change can be made via the site's admin. With the possibility of it affecting the ability to process orders if done improperly, we advise you submit a support ticket to have our support team implement the change. Before selecting a new payment gateway provider, we suggest you touch base with the support team to ensure the gateway you wish to use has a plugin available for NOP; otherwise, custom development would be required. Foremost Media partners with Authorize.net which does have a NOP plugin available.

How do I view orders in my NOP store?

You can view a brief tutorial to show you how to view order info on our NOP Tutorials page.

Can I create discounts for free shipping or holiday sales?

NOP Commerce has native functionality for creating simple discounts such as free shipping or a percentage off your order. It allows for use of coupon codes as well. You can view a brief tutorial to show you how to view order info on our NOP Tutorials page.

How many products can a nopCommerece store reasonably support?

The official nopCommerece marketing materials say there is no limit to number of products a store can hold but you may need to adjust the limits on MSSQL. We've found it takes quite a bit more configuration when your starting to look at larger stores. See this article: Product Limits For nopCommerece

How can I set up multiple stores using nopCommerce?

nopCommerce has a multi-store feature. You can manage multiple stores and multiple domains from a single admin panel. Managing multiple stores via a single platform, commonly known as the "multi-store" feature, offers a plethora of advantages to businesses with diverse brands or those catering to varied market segments. Centralized management through a unified dashboard not only streamlines administrative tasks and updates but also brings about significant cost savings by utilizing shared resources and reducing administrative overhead. This centralized system allows for tailored customer experiences by customizing each store to its specific target audience, yet ensuring consistent branding. Inventory can be managed holistically, with unified reporting offering insights across all outlets. Such a setup also facilitates simplified role-based user management, consolidated customer data, and the advantage of shared plugins and extensions. From an SEO perspective, while each store can maintain its unique domain for optimized searches, analytics can be aggregated to provide a comprehensive view. The isolation of individual stores ensures risk mitigation, as issues in one store won't necessarily affect others, and it also provides an avenue for experimentation. Finally, as businesses grow, the multi-store platform simplifies expansion, making it easier to tap into new markets or niches without the hassle of creating a new infrastructure from scratch.

Can I integrate a custom payment gateway in nopCommerce?

By default nopCommerce has quite a few of the most popular payment gateways available natively or via plugins but it also offers the ability to build out a custom integration with most modern payment providers.